Presented by the Printing Industry's Leading Sales Trainer

Includes Prospecting System Workbook

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How to Drive Print Sales in the NEW Post-Pandemic Market The most effective way to grow your sales
Wednesday, October 27th, 2021
1:00 - 2:30 pm Eastern Time
As businesses reopen and print volumes increase there is an incredible opportunity to grow your sales. But selling printing in the challenging post-pandemic market, where prospects have become accustomed to ordering online, requires a change in the traditional print sales approach.
Reaching out to new prospects,
- telling them about your design, print, mail and large format services,
- sending them an impressive company brochure and
- offering them a low competitive quote
will fall on deaf ears. The post-pandemic prospect is not interested in talking to or meeting with a new print supplier who bring nothing different to the table. You need to change your value proposition. You need to change the way you sell printing.
5 Step Prospecting System
Field-tested by thousands of print salespeople worldwide.
Attend this powerful new webinar and you'll leave with a field-tested, 5 step prospecting system that is guaranteed to drive your sales. Here's just a small sample of what you'll learn.
Step 1 Identify your best prospects
Random prospecting didn't work before the pandemic and it won't work after the pandemic. You must take a strategic approach. You must identity and call on the right accounts. Attend this webinar and you'll learn,
- how to quickly identify the best prospects in your area,
- what you must do before reaching out to new prospects and
- how to create a prospecting list.
Step 2 Define your prospecting activity
Whether you're a fulltime account executive or a shop owner that can only spend a few hours, a few days a week, you must commit to growing your sale. But what does it take to add $200,000, $500,000 or a million to your sales?
Attend this webinar and you'll learn how to set a realistic sales goal, and you'll leave this webinar with a personal prospecting schedule that shows you exactly what you need to do your reach your sales objective.
Step 3 Define your value proposition
Your value proposition, more than anything else, determines your success so you can't go around telling prospects about your great service, outstanding quality, fast delivery and expect to land the account. You'll leave this webinar with a powerful, effective value proposition that differentiates your services and instantly piques the prospect's interest.
Step 4 Script your presentation and responses to objections
When calling on a new account the prospect usually decides within 7 seconds whether to deal with you, so what you say is critical. There are 6 key prospecting rules that you must follow when call on a new account.
- You must prevent the gate keeper from screening your call
- You must prevent the prospect from prejudging the value of your services
- You must instantly establish credibility
- You must differentiate your services and pique the prospect's interest
- You must prevent the prospect from saying, "I'm too busy to meet with you"
- You must close for the appointment.
Scripting eliminates the learning curve. Scripting takes these key prospecting skills and putting them in writing. Since scripts do not rely on skills anyone using these scripts will generate great result. You'll leave this webinar with 6 field-tested, ready to use prospecting scripts.
Script #1 Identify the decision maker,
Script #2 Responses to all screening questions
Script #3 To the decision maker
Script #4 Responses to all objections
Script #6 What to say when leaving a voice mail message.
Step 5 Manage your prospecting activity
As you follow this program, you'll quickly find yourself busy. Attend this webinar and you'll learn how to maximize the return on your prospecting activity by managing the sales pipeline.
. . . . . . . . Plus much, much more . . . . . . .
- Learn to identify the real decision maker; it's not who you think it is
- The most effective way to deal with voice mail
- How to get information from a tight-lipped gatekeeper
- How to Farm your prospects - the best kept secret of high-income earners
- Why you must stay away from purchasing agents and print buyers
- Why up-selling your existing accounts may be a costly mistake
- How to identify your prospect's printing and marketing needs, before meeting with the prospect
More Sales 100% GUARANTEED
Put the field-tested prospecting strategies that you'll learn during this powerful new webinar to the test for 60 days and you'll notice a dramatic increase in sales and earnings or we'll issue a full refund.
LIVE - 90 MINUTE WEBINAR - Only $69.95
Includes 5 Step Prospecting System Workbook